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  • 1. (2018·衡水模拟) 阅读理解

        When your child lies to you, it hurts. As parents, it makes us angry and we take it personally. We feel like we can never trust our child again. Why does lying cause such anger, pain and worry for parents?

        Parents are understandably very afraid of their children getting hurt and getting into trouble, but they have very little protection against these things as they send their kids out into the word. Kids learn from other kids and from external media, and this makes parents feel unsafe because they can't control the information and ideas that their children are exposed to.

        When your kid lies, you start to see him as “sneaky(卑鄙的)”, especially if he continues to lie to you. You feel that he's going behind your back. You begin to think that your kids are “bad”. Because, certainly, if lying is bad, liars are bad. It's just that simple. Parents need to make their kids responsible for lying. But the mistake parents make is that they start to blame the kid for lying. It's considered immoral to lie. But when you look at your kid like he's a sneak, it's a slippery slope (滑坡谬误)that starts with “You lie” and ends up at “You're a bad person”.

        Kids know lying is forbidden. But they don't see it as hurtful. So a kid will say, “I know it's wrong that l eat a sugar snack when I'm not supposed to. But who does it hurt?” “I know it's wrong that I trade my dried fruit for a Twinkie. But it doesn't really hurt anybody. I can handle it. What's the big deal?” That's what the kid sees.

        So I think that parents have to assume that kids are going to tell them lies, because they're immature and they don't understand how hurtful these things are. They're all drawn to excitement, and they'll all have a tendency to distort(歪曲)the truth because they're kids.

    1. (1) Why do parents worry about their kids and feel unsafe?
      A . Nobody trusts their kids in the world because of lying. B . Lying always causes their kids to get hurt or get into trouble. C . Their kids are exposed to outside world without their control. D . They can't protect their kids from other kids and external media.
    2. (2) What's the author's attitude towards parents' seeing kids as bad if they lie?
      A . Immoral. B . Negative. C . Supportive. D . Different.
    3. (3) The underlined word “they” really refers to ________.
      A . parents B . their children C . other kids D . bad things
    4. (4) How do parents react to kids' lying?
      A . Taking no notice of it B . Blaming them immediately. C . Pretending to be angry and educate them. D . Accept it but make them responsible for it.
