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  • 1. (2018·郑州模拟) 阅读理解

        The hit movie Notting Hill(诺丁山)begins with a famous scene. Hugh Grant bumps into Julia Roberts and spills orange juice all over her. After the collision, Grant repeatedly says, “I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.”

        His actions in this scene are very British. If Roberts' character were from the Britain, than she would probably apologize repeatedly as well – even if the crash were not her fault. But this doesn't happen in the movie, as Roberts is from the US.

        A report in The Telegraph once said that three quarters of British people apologize when they bump into someone in the street – regardless of whether they are responsible or not. In fact, Britons use “sorry” in many situations. For example, if they mishear someone, they say “Sorry?” The person they are talking to will also apologize by replying, “No, I am sorry!” This can go on for up to five minutes as they compete over who is the most sorry.

        Why are Britons so sorry? Mark Tyrell, a psychology writer in the UK, thinks that their apologetic tendencies are rooted in British class system. “We say sorry because historically the new middle class in Britain had to apologize for not being the working class, but also for really being the upper class.” Another theory is that they apologize to avoid conflicts. For example, if they bump into someone, he might get angry. To avoid this, they instantly say “Sorry!”

        True manners are about being considerate, and today's constant use of apologizing shows that we are perhaps not as thoughtful as we once were. The word “sorry” has lost some of its meaning.

        Do you see my point? Sorry, it might just be a British thing.

    1. (1) Why does the author mention a scene in the movie Notting Hill at the beginning?
      A . To give an example of British modesty. B . To introduce different ways of saying sorry. C . To show what kind of men are considered gentlemen in the UK. D . To draw our attention to when and how British people say sorry.
    2. (2) Which of the following statements might Mark Tyrell agree with?
      A . People should not apologize if they are not responsible. B . Americans care less about manners than British people do. C . That British people apologize so much is linked to the class system. D . British people care too much about which social class they are from.
    3. (3) What can be inferred from the passage?
      A . It's unnecessary for British people to be so polite. B . The overuse of apologizing shows Britons are truly sincere. C . People should not stick to the traditional use of the word “sorry”. D . Using “sorry” more doesn't necessarily mean people are more polite.
    4. (4) What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?
      A . To explore the best way of saying sorry. B . To explain why Britons overuse the word “sorry”. C . To show how saying sorry has changed over time. D . To suggest many British people lack traditional manners.
