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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Volunteering on Thanksgiving can be a very rewarding experience. One of the most popular Thanksgiving volunteer opportunities involves working in the local food or homeless shelter. Most towns and cities have these types of shelters. When volunteering here, you have a variety of options to choose from.

    This can involve cooking the Thanksgiving turkey or preparing some simple side dishes. Even if you aren't very handy in the kitchen, you can still help make some food donations outside.

    Individuals who both wish to spend Thanksgiving with family and to actively participate in Thanksgiving volunteer opportunities can adopt an individual or a family for the holiday. This is a great idea for people who make a large Thanksgiving meal. When adopting a family for Thanksgiving, you would make a large meal, as usual.

    Many times, just seeing a cheerful face on Thanksgiving is enough to brighten any person's day. If you love interacting with and talking to people, these types of Thanksgiving volunteer opportunities may be for you. By calling these places, you will often be able to find out if they have any Thanksgiving volunteer programs.

    There are Thanksgiving volunteer opportunities available to suit everybody's wants and needs. Thanksgiving volunteer opportunities during these marathons can include checking in marathon participants and working at the concession stands(小卖部).

    A. They are often very busy during the holidays.

    B. Some people, including myself, feel lonely during Thanksgiving.

    C. Many areas organize marathons or other road races for Thanksgiving.

    D. You can volunteer by delivering Thanksgiving dinners to some families.

    E. If you are a good cook, you may be able to help prepare a Thanksgiving meal.

    F. Many places such as hospitals are full of people who can't go home on Thanksgiving.

    G. They would come to your house to eat and participate in the merriment of the holiday.
