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    Home delivery meal kits have been one of the bits of the pandemic: they have enabled diners to carry on getting a taste of restaurant-quality food, while helping restaurants to stay in business, and even make you an excellent chef. Here are four of the best offering delivery in our region:

    Berenjak (berenjakbazaar. com)

    "The kabab kits from this London-based Iranian restaurant—which range in price from £25 to £45—are a ‘class act'," says Jay Rayner in The Observer. "My kit even included a pair of plastic gloves for me to wear while dealing with the raw meat. This is the best kind of meal kit—the cooking is fun, and the finished product is utterly delicious."

    Gujarati Rasoi (gujaratirasoi. co. uk)

    "I love this vegetarian restaurant," says Marina O'Loughlin in The Sunday Times. "And its meal boxes are ‘electrifyingly good' too. Family boxes for four cost £65, and I especially love the starter(£

    15.50). The dishes were complicated, yet quite easy to cook."

    Lyle's (lylesprovisions. com)

    "This Michelin-starred London restaurant delivers its ‘exquisitely delicious' menu boxes each Friday," says Candy Clay in The Daily Telegraph. "At £140 for two, they aren' t cheap, and with multiple courses, they do take a bit of work and concentration to cook."

    Santo Remedio (santoremedio. co. uk)

    "Order a Remedy kit from Santo Remedio and what you will get is an incredibly generous, sharing-style Mexican feast for two," says Anna Lawson on BBC's "Good Food". "The kits come with a choice of slow-cooked meat, accompanied by all the ingredients to make your own pancake. Preparation is simple, thanks to a color-coded instruction."

    1. (1) What can be found in all the introductions to home delivery meal kits?
      A . Small gifts. B . Cooking instructions. C . Nice discounts. D . Personal recommendation.
    2. (2) Which restaurant best suits vegans?
      A . Berenjak. B . Gujarati Rasoi. C . Lyle's. D . Santo Remedio.
    3. (3) What can we know about Santo Remedio?
      A . It is recommended by BBC'S "Good Food". B . It provides delicious pancakes of the same ingredients. C . It is a famous fast food restaurant in Britain. D . It changes the traditional Mexican cooking styles.
