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  • 1. (2024高三下·铜川模拟) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Watching a movie can be a magical experience, but do you know that the music in the films we watch has always been an important part of creating that magical experience?

    The first commercial film with sound came out in 1927.  Even back in the early days of silent films, most movie theatres hired a musician or a group of musicians to provide music, mostly to drown out the sound of the film projectors(放映机) and people talking.

    As sound-on-film technology developed, composers were hired to create original music for films. Like music written for an opera, film music serves to advance the story and the action.  In the same way, a film composer needs to support the screenplay's storyline. The music also needs to reflect the screenplay's mood, which includes everything from the action on the screen to sound effects to dialogue.

    Music has a language of its own. The right piece of music can improve and sometimes even change a viewer's ideas of what is taking place onscreen. Most of the time, music is used to stress the action onscreen, improve the mood of a scene, foreshadow action that is about to take place or even show the emotion of a character.  But in many instances the emotional power of the visuals would not be as great were it not for the music.

     Ask yourself, "How would this scene feel if the music were different? Is the composer trying to tell me how I should feel? Or are they merely pushing me in an emotional direction?"

    A. So, how is the film music created?

    B. Without it, it would be hard to imagine the scene.

    C. An opera composer must follow the text of the opera.

    D. Usually, composers and filmmakers don't want to overshadow a film.

    E. So the next time you watch a movie, pay close attention to the music.

    F. The music in a film makes you cheer for the hero and cry at the drama.

    G. Since then, music has been powerfully linked to the movie-watching experience.
