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  • 1. (2024·重庆市模拟) 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Life is what you make it. What is more, you only get one, so you do need to make it the very best you can. Therefore, don't waste time. But how you can increase the quality of your life?

    ·Treat yourself.

    Make the first thing you do a treat that you have been expecting for some time. Don't make excuses excites about not having time or money. Treats can be free, and you can always make time. It's not hard to organize some time in your day if you want to. Remember, no more excuses! You are worth it!

    ·Learn a skill.

    Learning a new skill is one of the most satisfying things you can do.A great way to learn a skill is to join a class. Not only will you learn, but you will make new friends.

    If you are lucky enough to have a loved one in your life who brightens your day when you speak to him, give him a call. You will feel better for making contact, and then feel much more positive after talking to him. Send a text or make a phone call. 

    ●Bring on the humor.

    Laughing is very good for you. It will lower your stress and put you in a good mood.  Set off your laughter by watching a funny movie or a comedy show.

    A. Contact a loved one.

    B. important things first.

    C. Arrange to meet up if you can.

    D. It even burns up a few calories!

    E. You will feel a sense of achievement.

    F. You often lose sight of the positive things in life.

    G. It doesn't matter if it's a meal out, or a visit to a theater.
