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  • 1. (2024九上·嘉兴期末)  阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    One of my favourite things about spring is the arrival of different kinds of birds. My grandfather was a bird lover, so I 1 the bird watching hobby at a young age. And I've developed a great 2 of nature photography(摄影)at the same time.

    Usually when the yellow warblers come back from the 3 in spring, they pass me by. I've 4 seen them around my home, but not on this special sunny day in spring. When I finished my homework, I put on a light jacket and went out to the garden to 5 the birds. While taking some pictures, I looked up and noticed this yellow warbler 6 my apple tree. The bird's bright yellow feathers were 7 against the brown branches(树枝)and fresh green leaves, so I took this photo immediately.

    I watched carefully 8 the yellow warbler hopped(双脚跳)between the branches that day. I like to say he was doing the "warbler 9 " because warblers don't ever seem to sit still, which makes them hard to photograph. As I watched, I listened 10 . The yellow warbler's song usually sounds like saying "Sweet, sweet, sweet, I'm so sweet," 11 this one was strangely quiet. I guess 12 was too busy looking for something to eat. After a long journey from south to north, he must have been 13 .

    I've kept a photo book of about forty different kinds of 14 . Every time when I watch these photos, they make me feel 15 after a long time of study and bring back the memories of the great time I spent with nature. Luckily, I've got a new page for my book this spring-the yellow warbler.

    A .  took away B .  gave up C .  worked on D .  picked up
    A .  way B .  love C .  skill D .  method
    A .  north B .  west C .  south D .  east
    A .  always B .  often C .  sometimes D .  never
    A .  watch B .  touch C .  feed D .  protect
    A .  behind B .  over C .  beside D .  in
    A .  shaking B .  growing C .  shining D .  falling
    A .  as B .  until C .  after D .  since
    A .  walk B .  fight C .  music D .  dance
    A .  nervously B .  closely C .  carelessly D .  politely
    A .  or B .  then C .  but D .  so
    A .  he B .  it C .  she D .  I
    A .  tired B .  thirsty C .  hungry D .  sleepy
    A .  trees B .  flowers C .  ants D .  birds
    A .  interested B .  relaxed C .  amazed D .  bored
