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  • 1. (2024九下·定海开学考)  阅读理解

    What's your favorite holiday? We asked this question to children from different countries. And here are some of their answers.


    I think the best holiday in my home country is Christmas. It is on 25th, December. It often snows a lot during the Christmas season. The snow gives us a romantic (浪漫的) feeling. There are all kinds of special markets during the holiday. We have great fun visiting these markets with our friends. Of course, we can enjoy some delicious food, like candies, biscuits and cheese.


    In my opinion, the best holiday is the Spring Festival. It often happens in January or February. It is one of the main festivals in my country. My family gets together and enjoy traditional food, such as dumplings. We also visit our relatives and friends. The kids receive red envelopes with money inside.


    I would say that the best holiday is Thanksgiving. It is the fourth Thursday of November each year. Families get together and talk about things they are thankful for. But I don't like some aspects (方面) of this holiday. For example, there is so much delicious food at the big dinner and I always eat too much of it.


    My favorite holiday? My answer is Carnival (狂欢节). It usually happens in February. During the holiday, we wear brightly colored clothes, play music and dance in the streets. People, young or old, men or women, love to dance Samba (桑巴舞) in my country. Everyone is happy and crazy about it.

    1. (1) Which holiday happens last in a year?
      A . Christmas. B . Spring Festival. C . Thanksgiving. D . Carnival.
    2. (2) Which country does Amy probably come from?
      A . South Africa. B . China. C . U.S.A.  D . Malaysia.
    3. (3) They all mention (提到) food EXCEPT ____.
      A . Lara B . Mingming C . Amy D . Silva
