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  • 1. (2023九上·温州期中) 阅读理解

    Carl moved to the town of Silverbell in the Sonoran Desert (沙漠) this December. Growing up in the green mountains of Vermont, he was surprised to find mountains here were always brown. There were no evergreen trees like home but only prickly cacti reaching up toward a warm winter sun.

    Silverbell sat near a river with the same name. But there was not a drop of water in this so-called river. It snaked through the desert and dropped suddenly into the huge Silverbell Canyon. But old local people said, "At special times, one can hear her ring like a silver bell... if she is asked in the right way."

    Carl was homesick. He missed his friends, the snow, and especially his flute (长笛) teacher. Days later, he meta boy called Tadio, who liked playing the flute as well. They played music pieces that they both knew by hear. They stayed together all day long. The two boys got on so well that Carl began to mention his homesickness to Tadio.

    Every year on the first day of winter, the whole town walks in a parade with a band. Carl was asked to play flute in the parade this year and he was nervous. "I don't want to play in front of everybody." He told Tadio.

    "Don't worry. You play very well. Let's practise before the parade tomorrow by the canyon. Sometimes her echo(回声) sounds like she's singing with us."Tadio suggested.

    "I wish the canyon would sing with a homesick kid from Vermont" Carl smiled.

    The next day was sunny and warm, like always. The two boys came to the canyon for their practice. Together, they played their hearts out. Suddenly, they heard a noise far away. They saw dark clouds above the mountains. It had started raining hard in those far-off mountains. Soon, the Silverbell became a real river...a wild one.

    The river then created a breathtaking waterfall beside the.canyon. It echoed back and forth and the whole canyon was ringing like a huge silver bell.

    The parade passed beside the canyon. Carl and Tadio joined the other students in the band. Carl played his flute perfectly, and with every note, he felt more echoes from the canyon. "It was just starting to feel like home." Carl said.

    1. (1) The town of Silverbell was____.
      A . full of green mountains B . famous for its river story C . especially cold during winter D . different from Carl's hometown
    2. (2) How did Carl feel when staying with Tadio?
      A . Comfortable. B . Nervous. C . Lonely. D . Proud
    3. (3) What made Silverbell Canyon ring like a bell?
      A . The heavy rain. B . The students' voice. C . A noise far away. D . The sound of the flute.
    4. (4) Why did Carl say "It was just starting to feel like home." in the end?(用约 40 词回答)
