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  • 1. (2024高二上·温州期末)  阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    We've all had them:"It's been one of those days" days. It starts out1 , moves to worse, and then gets horrible. That's what I was having. As the day wore on, I started 2 dinner.

    Midway through the recipe, I 3 I was out of salt. I jumped into my car, and 4 to a neighborhood grocery store. Along with the salt, I5 a few extra things and headed for the checkout stand. At the register, I wrote the6 for the required $12.51, and the clerk7 my items. 

    Then I noticed the salt8 in the shopping cart. I handed it to the cashier. She9 , "Why not just pay for it with cash? It's only 35 cents. "I 10 I'd run out of the house with only a single check and my driver's license. Then the cashier11 a dollar bill from her pocket and rang up the salt. Then she 12 . I take the change! She explained she always kept a few singles in her pocket for such emergencies. That13 gesture turned my entire day from 14 to smiles. It's little things like what she did for me that day that truly make this a brighter world, and I'll always remember her15

    A .  bad B .  early C .  new D .  gradual
    A .  serving B .  preparing C .  enjoying D .  displaying
    A .  realized B .  acknowledged C .  inferred D .  pretended
    A .  walked B .  ran C .  drove D .  cycled
    A .  handed in B .  picked up C .  put down D .  went through
    A .  recipe B .  salt C .  cash D .  check
    A .  bagged B .  estimated C .  obtained D .  purchased
    A .  even B .  again C .  still D .  also
    A .  argued B .  assumed C .  suggested D .  blamed
    A .  complained B .  explained C .  suspected D .  found
    A .  pulled B .  evaluated C .  spotted D .  switched
    A .  persuaded B .  recommended C .  commanded D .  insisted
    A .  unique B .  abnormal C .  identical D .  kind
    A .  bows B .  frowns C .  shouts D .  nods
    A .  incident B .  promise C .  example D .  emergency
