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  • 1. (2024高一上·铜仁期末)  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    To some, fishing is a hobby. But to William "Big will" Dunn, it's a(n)1 that has led him to change the lives of thousands of children.

    It all2 with one child: Cameron Delong. When the two of them met, the then 8-year-old was3 with his home life. William didn't know why until he found out Cameron's4 was not in his life.

    Growing up, William had a hard time in Miami,5 peace and solace(安慰)in fishing. Hoping that it could have the same6 on Cameron, he asked Cameron's mom if he could take her son out fishing every once in a while. They7 doing so several times a week.

    "He started doing8 in school, showing more respect to his mom, and just becoming more of a man of the household because his dad was still not in his life," William said.

    Inspired by the9 impact their fishing trips made on Cameron, he founded Take a Kid Fishing, a(n) 10 that utilizes(利用)fishing as a way to teach children life skills and to be11 inside and outside of the classroom. "We take them out, show them a12 day, and spend time with them and everything," he said. "Just to get out of the boat, you see the13 in them."

    Today, William 14 tries to help those children in his own way, making the others realize that the15 kindness can make a great impact.

    A .  talent B .  eagerness C .  passion D .  power
    A .  started B .  played C .  continued D .  helped
    A .  debating B .  supplying C .  dealing D .  struggling
    A .  father B .  mother C .  brother D .  sister
    A .  offering B .  seeking C .  avoiding D .  selecting
    A .  advice B .  harm C .  purpose D .  effect
    A .  gave up B .  felt like C .  ended up D .  put off
    A .  faster B .  better C .  further D .  higher
    A .  limited B .  terrible C .  positive D .  confusing
    A .  company B .  laboratory C .  business D .  organization
    A .  unique B .  horrible C .  ordinary D .  responsible
    A .  pleasant B .  busy C .  fortunate D .  familiar
    A .  problem B .  difference C .  advantage D .  decision
    A .  seldom B .  never C .  still D .  even
    A .  slightest B .  greatest C .  toughest D .  fastest
