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  • 1. (2024高一上·漳州期末)  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    You probably believe that weight loss has to be tied to countless hours at the gym or eating nothing but vegetables. Luckily, dropping a couple dress sizes doesn't take anything that extreme. Read on and I ensure you'll be helped in your weight loss efforts.

    Stop Eating Out. Think back to when your mother fed you. Do you remember what the dinner plates looked like? Now compare that to what the " plates" look like at those chain restaurants. There are dozens of studies about eating out and they all lead to one conclusion: if you eat out, you overeat! Take a break from eating out for the next six weeks and see how easily you can drop a dress size or even two.

    You don't have to avoid the foods that you enjoy — you just can't eat big servings of them. An easy way to do this is to use smaller plates for your meals. And don't think that just because something is on your plate, you have to eat it. Different from what your mother told you, you don't have to ‘clean your plate'. In fact — you shouldn't. Eat slowly and stop when you aren't hungry any more.

    Make Better Choices. I know I just said that you can eat the foods you enjoy and still lose weight. The key is moderation (适量). So when you shop, go to a wet market instead of a supermarket. When you're at work, keep health snacks handy so you don't have to turn to the company's vending machine (自动贩卖机). Improving your choices will speed up your weight loss.

    A. Lessen your intake.

    B. Eat with smaller plates.

    C. It's no wonder you are putting on weight.

    D. You will find that they have a lot in common.

    E. But that doesn't mean contenting yourself with candy and chips.

    F. What it does take is making some small changes in your bad behaviors.

    G. That way, you're not losing the fun of eating while still exercising good judgment.
