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  • 1. (2024高二上·河南期末)  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Read a Poem

    You've selected the poem you want to read—congratulations! Now it's time for the business of reading it.

    Examine the title and the shape

    —how does it make you feel? How does the title fit the shape of the poem? If the title is sad, let the shape of the poem inform the small difference of the emotion—if it's short and sparse(稀疏的), maybe it's coming from a place of desolation or desperation. .

    Read the poem as you normally read anything

    Reading poetry doesn't require a clever approach; you can read as you'd read anything else. On the first pass through, absorb whatever it is that arises upon first impression. —maybe your stomach churns(恶心)at a particular phrase, or you hold your breath at a certain line. Explore the feelings that come up as you read.

    Next, try reading the poem out loud or search for readings of the poem online. This is where the music of a poem emerges, and you can feel the shape of each word and line as you move through it.

    Add context to paint a full picture

    Finally, return to the poem context. ; look at the publication date and consider the world around the poem when it was first released. Consider where the poem lives: Was it released as part of the author's poetry book, or was it published in a literary magazine? From these details and materials you will get a deeper understanding of the poem.

    A. Re-read for sound

    B. Re-read for meaning

    C. Dig into the author's history.

    D. Notice where in the poem you react

    E. Look for where the poem offers a moment of surprise

    F. Before you start a poem, you should first read the title

    G. Long messy forms might mean it's coming from a place of confusion or anger
