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  • 1. (2024高二上·河南期末)  阅读理解

    On Sunday night, the police found a baby koala in a bag in the town of Wishart in Queensland, Australia, during a traffic stop. Queensland police spokesperson Michael Beatty said that the officers asked a 50-year-old driver if she had anything to report. She then told the officers that she had a baby koala in her bag.

    "Not quite believing their ears, the officers cautiously opened the bag and found this lovely boy and we've called him Alfred," the spokesperson said. "The young koala is about 6 months old and weighs 1.5 kg. It appears to be healthy, though it was very thirsty."

    The police are warning people who find koalas to turn them over to authorities, rather than try to take care of them themselves. Koalas are protected in parts of Australia, including in Queensland, where they have been listed as "threatened" under the Nature Conservation Act.

    Of course, koalas are also violent animals. One particularly wild koala even attacked a farmer in South Australia when she was riding along a muddy road.

    "As it started running towards me, I thought I'd better speed up," the terrified farmer told reporters. "But the road was too muddy, So I abandoned my bike and ran away. Fortunately, it ran up and attached itself to the dirty wheel—perhaps mistaking it for a eucalyptus tree."

    Deakin University biologist Desley. Whisson has some tips in case you experience this    predicament. "Koalas more generally run from than to people. The farmer did the right thing by moving away from her bike," she said. "The best advice I can give to people is to not fight with a koala displaying unusual behaviour. Make sure that there is another object between you and the koala so that it can't climb you. Or you can just simply run. Their fingers are very sharp."

    She also believed the koala might have been confusing the sound of the bike with that of a koala mate.

    1. (1) What do the police in Wishart most likely want to tell the public?
      A . Koalas are protected by law all over Australia. B . It is illegal for the public to keep koalas in Queensland. C . The public should stay away from violent animals. D . Baby koalas are too violent to be kept in bags.
    2. (2) What can we learn about adult koalas?
      A . They enjoy climbing bikes. B . They have good eyesight. C . They can be dangerous. D . They weigh about 1.5kg.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "predicament" in paragraph 6 mean?
      A . Boring animal. B . Interesting event. C . Pleasant meeting. D . Difficult situation.
    4. (4) From which is the text probably taken?
      A . A research paper. B . The Nature Conservation Act. C . A news report. D . An announcement from the police.
