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  • 1. (2024九上·汉阳期末)  阅读理解

    Roger Federer, a world -famous sports star, quit (放弃) the 2020 Olympic Games to deal with his knee problem. It was a hard decision because no one wanted to be a quitter. But finding the courage to let go can be good for you. 

        ★         Maybe your heart isn't in playing the piano any more, or you only play football because your friends do and you want to try a different sport instead. Making the decision to walk away can free up time and energy to spend on something you really enjoy. In fact, studies show that letting go of goals you can't reach, or don't really want, can build up your confidence and help you lead a happier and healthier life.

    But how can you know it's time to stop and move on? Eric Bean is an expert in sports psychology (心理学) who helps athletes and teams understand their feelings. He says, "Quitting never a matter of black and white. " He suggests thinking carefully. about why you aren't enjoying something any more. Is it because you've argued with a teammate or can't get on with a new art teacher? Talk about this with a trusted adult or friend. That can help you decide whether you should stay and stick, or quit and move on.

    Quitting doesn't have to mean totally giving up, though. For example, playing an instrument might be more fun if you take away the pressure of exams. If you do decide to give up an activity, Bean suggests picking up another where you can still enjoy things like teamwork, creativity, and exercise.

    1. (1) The writer mentions "Roger Federer" to show that ____.
      A . we should never give up B . it's all right to stop and quit C . we should get away from trouble D . it's difficult to win Olympic medals
    2. (2) Which of the following can be put in     ★        
      A . Roger did something special. B . It's necessary to try your best. C . Sometimes learning to let go is important. D . Let's enjoy happy life.
    3. (3) According to the writer, learning to let go is important because we can ____. 
      A . learn about perseverance B . have more trusted friends C . reach some important goals D . feel more confident in ourselves
    4. (4) By saying the underlined sentence, Eric Bean means that ____. 
      A . it's not good to stick at things we don't like B . we don't have to take exams to show our true abilities C . we should think twice before quitting an activity D . it's wiser to pick up a new hobby than to keep the old one
    5. (5) Which could be the best title for the passage? 
      A . Knowing When to Stop B . Working Hard to Move on C . Learning How to Grow up D . Taking Away the Pressure
