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  • 1. (2024九上·硚口期末)  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When Paul Durietz taught his first social studies class, the Beatles(披头士乐队) had not yet broken up. Pele, then 29, had just won his third World Cup title(冠军). And Durietz hasn't walked away from the subject since. Now, the 76-year-old 1  the Guinness world record for the longest career(职业生涯) as a social studies teacher. 

    Social studies 2 history, politics and world cultures. Durietz 3 to become a social studies teacher when he was just 11 years old, 4 because of his love of history. He got his first teaching job in 1970 at Woodland Middle School in the U. S. state of Illinois. He has been teaching social studies at the same school ever since. Durietz enjoys 5 his knowledge of history with his students. "Teaching is never 6 , " he says. "Every day is different. "

    Things have 7  a lot over the years. When he started teaching, Durietz wrote on a blackboard with8 , and students used paper textbooks. Today, he and his students use computers and electronic whiteboards. With or without 9 , Durietz has organized contests and many other10  activities. Maybe that's why his students always enjoy his classes. Over the past 54 years, Durietz has also helped to 11  more than 20 new social studies teachers at his school. He is 12 to have students come back and tell him that they became history teachers because of him. 

    Durietz has no plans to retire(退休) 13 soon. He hopes to break his own record. Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher when you grow up? Durietz 14 that people who want to be teachers make sure they have a lot of 15 . Also, choose subjects that you care deeply about. "Keep working on what you love in life, " he says.

    A .  prefers B .  lifts C .  holds D .  carries
    A .  calls on B .  focuses on C .  looks on D .  keeps on
    A .  supposed B .  expressed C .  doubted D .  decided
    A .  mainly B .  gradually C .  nearly D .  widely
    A .  valuing B .  entering C .  sharing D .  educating
    A .  moving B .  boring C .  painful D .  tiring
    A .  changed B .  performed C .  caused D .  solved
    A .  pen B .  pencil C .  stick D .  chalk
    A .  pity B .  effort C .  sense D .  technology
    A .  serious B .  friendly C .  creative D .  reasonable
    A .  train B .  protect C .  receive D .  produce
    A .  regretful B .  relaxed C .  surprised D .  proud
    A .  anywhere B .  anytime C .  anything D .  anybody
    A .  greets B .  praises C .  suggests D .  prevents
    A .  patience B .  energy C .  honor D .  victory
