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  • 1. (2024九上·新洲期末)  阅读理解

    "Einstein's brain" has become one of Taobao's top 10 products for 2023. People can buy it on Taobao or Alibaba at the price of a few US cents or a couple of yuan. Sellers of the "brain" promise that customers can have an IQ as high as Albert Einstein.

    Stores on Taobao recorded that as many as 120, 000 customers buy "Einstein's brain"in June, when the national college entrance exams, or gaokao, takes place. All the year round, the turnover (营业额) reaches as high as2, 000, 000yuan.

    The idea came from a young man named Zhang Jianqian. He was among the first group of young people who found success from selling"fun products"on Taobao.

    Zhang Jianqian was outgoing and liked chatting with his friends in his free time. They often made jokes at each other and his friends often said they were not smart enough and wanted to become smart before a big event. So one day he decided to sell "Einstein's brain". He thought people didn't mind spending a few cents to find joy.

    Though there were doubts about the practical value of the product, Zhang said he believes it provides a chance to improve confidence (信心) before important events in life. Some customers agreed with him. They thought they were buying self-confidence and believed the"brain"could make them do well before big events.

    Besides the "brain", all kinds of other similar products are popular with online shoppers. Most of these either offer emotional (心理的) comfort or have high fun value.

    Experts said the popularity of these products reflects the emotional needs of the young. And such novel products often draw inspiration from popular themes or social topics. The micro businesses on Taobao are particularly good at finding these hot topics and turning them into business chances at a low cost. 

    Many students who have just graduated from college become the leading persons. They have found creative ways to provide emotional comfort, which not only provides a lot of jobs but also improves the economic (经济) development. 

    At the same time, experts warn that people shouldn't depend too much on these products. A lot of other ways should be found to deal with emotional needs.

    1. (1) Which writing skill is used in paragraph 2? 
      A . Listing numbers B . Comparing facts C . Giving an example D . Raising a question
    2. (2) What gave Zhang Jianqian inspiration to sell "Einstein's brain"?
      A . His character B . His being clever C . His friends' jokes D . His friends' being stupid
    3. (3) "Einstein's brain" can make people ____.
      A . have a high IQ B . get a lot of money C . feel good before big events D . depend too much on similar products
    4. (4) Which ISN'T the reason for the products to be popular with young people?
      A . They are sold at low prices. B . They are good at finding hot topics C . They can meet emotional needs of young D . They draw inspiration from popular themes
    5. (5) The passage is written to ____. 
      A . support the micro businesses B . make "Einstein's brain" more popular C . find ways to deal with emotional needs D . draw attention to the "fun" products
