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  • 1. (2024高二上·滁州期末)  阅读理解

    A cancer survivor has become the first woman to complete an exhausting "Sea to Summit" triathlon(三项全能运动), which saw her swim, cycle, and run over 330 miles in just five days. Andrea Mason was overjoyed when she crossed the finish line early Wednesday morning.

    The race was set in the French Alps. Setting off at 6: 15 am on Friday, 39-year-oldMason battled through severe pain, and hallucinations(幻觉), but she pushed on—managing to complete the race in an impressive four days, 23 hours, and 41 minutes. Andrea had been diagnosed with cancer and needed life-saving surgery. Following a successful operation, she is now hoping to raise awareness of women's health. In the past year, Andrea set up her own charity, Lady Talk Matters, in order to improve surrounding females' health.

    Andrea, from Blackpool in Lancashire, England, said, "I am so happy all went according to the plan as there were so many things that could have gone wrong. I wanted to do it in five days and I did so, but it was very tough. I had some low moments, particularly when I couldn't sleep in my limited rest periods, and when I couldn't keep any food down as I was running. For sure, I had some doubts along the way as I was exploring the unknown with such a huge run, particularly as large parts of it were in the dark. It was bigger than I imagined. The impact on my body was huge. But every time I felt like giving up, I thought about all the women out there in pain or who still hadn't been diagnosed. That is why I put myself through this."

    Andrea had to swim 23 miles around Lake Annecy, cycle 205 miles with 30,000 feet of vertical climbing around Mont Blanc, and run 105 miles with 4,000 feet of vertical climbing around The Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc. You could say Andrea's actually spent a lifetime training for an event like this. She completed her first three-mile race "powered by chocolate bars" when she was just four.

    1. (1) Why is the woman special?
      A . She won first in the race of the triathlon. B . She survived cancer and finished the triathlon. C . She tried to promote the triathlon after regaining health. D . She recovered from cancer after exercising for the triathlon.
    2. (2) What is Lady Talk Matters according to Paragraph 2?
      A . An organization for helping people in need. B . A group of people meeting for a very amusing game. C . A group of people chosen to make decisions or schedules. D . A government organization responsible for a certain area of administration.
    3. (3) What problem did Andrea meet with during her race?
      A . She lost her way due to the darkness. B . She couldn't swallow food while running. C . She fell down when climbing around Mont Blanc. D . She rode her cycle so hard that it broke down on the way.
    4. (4) What did Andrea do around Lake Annecy to complete the triathlon?
      A . She ran the 105 miles. B . She sailed the 30 miles. C . She swam the 23 miles. D . She cycled the 205 miles.
