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  • 1. (2024高二上·深圳期末)  阅读理解

    Developed by US company OpenAI, ChatGPT has got viral, winning 100 million internet users since it came out in November 2022. People can ask the robot to write stories and emails, create instructions for cooking a certain food, translate languages, and answer all kinds of questions. In its own words, it is "a language model trained in a large amount of internet text to help users get human-like text. "

    Compared with Siri or other chatbots, ChatGPT uses a much bigger information center for training. It also uses stronger software and hardware to learn things by itself. For example, if it provides a wrong answer to your question, you can tell it the right one and it will correct itself. "It's a totally different chatbot," computer scientist Liu Xiaoguang from Nankai University said. "The knowledge level ChatGPT shows is the same as a university student. That's why it shocked the world."

    But one big problem with ChatGPT is that it makes mistakes or even gives false information. When Rezza, a 28-year-old from Indonesia, used the robot to write an passage, it "gave out many examples which other writers actually hadn't mentioned at all", he told a local newspaper. Since the robot is trained using words from the internet, it can also pick up biases(偏见) about certain groups. These are all things that need to be dealt with.

    1. (1) What does the underlined part mean in Paragraph 1?
      A . Done harm to the internet. B . Brought strong wind and heavy rain. C . Become popular overnight. D . Caused serious changes of the weather.
    2. (2) Why did ChatGPT shock the world?
      A . It can find mistakes by itself. B . It works differently from other chatbots. C . Its information center is easier to control than Siri's. D . Its knowledge level is as high as a university student.
    3. (3) What can we learn from the last paragraph?
      A . ChatGPT needs improvement. B . Anybody may give false information. C . Anybody can make mistakes. D . ChatGPT can't get on well with humans.
    4. (4) What might be the best title of the text?
      A . ChatGPT is Coming! B . ChatGPT is Catching the World's Eyes! C . Can ChatGPT Take the Place of Humans? D . Can ChatGPT Avoid Biases Properly?
