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  • 1. (2024八上·通道期末)  阅读理解

    Do you know how to cook dishes, clean your house or grow plants? Now, students from primary and middle school have at least one labor skill (劳动技能) class every week. 

    Labor education can help people to be happy, active and creative in life. Through such classes, students can also learn the true meaning of labor and the value (价值) of the labor. They can also learn different life skills. 

    Some school prepared some interesting labor skill classes for students. Some students from Chongqing had a class about catching fish in the river and learned about the geographical knowledge of the river at the same time. In a city called Fengyi, students made tofu with a millstone (磨盘). Of course, they tasted tofu after they made it. Students said they learned about wisdom of the ancestors (祖先). "How did the ancestors even think about making this kind of food? They were really brilliant (聪明的). " Many of them asked.

    Some students learn how to look after animals at home. They also learn the biological (生物学的) knowledge of the animal. Some students learn how to cook a dish in the labor skill class and then cook at home. They may share videos of their cooking with their classmates. It is to share the taste of the delicious food. It is to share the joy of labor, too. 

    1. (1) How many labor skill classes do primary school students have every week?
      A . At least one. B . Only one. C . One.
    2. (2) What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?
      A . Labor education is not necessary. B . Labor education is useful to students. C . Labor education has no meaning.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "wisdom" probably mean?
      A . 厨艺 B . 勤劳 C . 智慧
    4. (4) According to the last paragraph, what does the writer think of cooking dishes?
      A . Enjoyable. B . Boring. C . Creative.
