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  • 1. (2023九上·哈尔滨期中)  根据短文内容选择最佳答案。

    This year I decided to adopted(收养) a 1 and that's because life can be lonely when we live alone. But the 2 was more difficult than I expected. There are many abandoned(被弃养的)cats all over Beijing. Some of them are abandoned because their owners have recently had a child. Others are abandoned because their foreign owners have moved back to their home countries, 3 their pets in China. And the rest are abandoned 4 because their owners no longer want them. So pet adoption agencies(领养机构) are very 5 with the people who they allow to adopt pets. 6 I could adopt a cat, I had to answer many questions, including "Are you single?" and "How much money do you make each month?"

    But it didn't 7 there. I still had to travel to a different part of the city to see the cat 8 and talk with the adoption agency face to face. They wanted to make sure that we would get along and I would take good care of the cat.

    And even then, the cat you want to adopt 9 be gone by the time you can adopt him or her. For my case, a worker who took care of the abandoned cat adopted the animal ahead of me. But I'm just glad that these cats can find good homes. And 10 the end, I did finally find a sweet kitten(小猫) of my own.

    A .  cat B .  dog C .  animal
    A .  process B .  product C .  progress
    A .  to leave B .  left C .  leaving
    A .  nearly B .  simply C .  really
    A .  careless B .  polite C .  strict
    A .  Since B .  After C .  Before
    A .  divide B .  complete C .  end
    A .  in person B .  in total C .  in public
    A .  must B .  need C .  may
    A .  in B .  on C .  at
