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  • 1. (2024高二上·魏县期末)  阅读理解

    Susan Brownell Anthony was a lady ahead of her time. She fought for women's rights long before it became a popular issue.

    Susan was born on February 15, 1820, in Adams, Massachusetts. At that time, women had few rights. They could not own property. Money earned by a married woman belonged to her husband. Major decisions regarding children were made by the fathers. Women could not vote.

    At the age of 15, Susan became a school teacher. She taught for 15 years. Then she began organizing women's groups to promote causes that were important to women. She helped gain better educational rights for women. She helped give married women possession of their earnings.

    After the Civil War, Susan became very involved in the Woman's Suffrage Movement. After years of lecturing, writing, and appealing by Susan and other women, some parts of the United States changed their laws to give women the right to vote. The first state was Wyoming in 1869. And then other areas and states followed Wyoming's decision. It was not until 1920 that the US Constitution was changed to give all women voting rights.

    Susan Brownell Anthony died in 1906 at the age of 86. She was elected to the American Hall of Fame in 1950. She was the first American woman to have a likeness (肖像) of her face on a coin. It was the 1979 Susan Brownell Anthony dollar.

    1. (1) What was the situation of American women like when Susan was born?
      A . They had a low social position. B . They could vote after getting married.

      C They managed money for their husbands.

      D. They were responsible for decision-making.
    2. (2) What is the third paragraph mainly about?
      A . Susan's teaching experiences. B . Susan's educational background. C . Susan's efforts to get rid of slavery. D . Susan's fighting for women's causes.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "decision" in the fourth paragraph refer to?
      A . Promoting the social movement. B . Changing the US Constitution. C . Giving women voting rights. D . Uniting other areas and states.
    4. (4) What may be the best title for the text?
      A . The First American Woman to Invent Coins B . The Problem of Women Rights in the US C . The Most Popular Women Organizations D . A Pioneer in Fighting for Women's Rights
