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  • 1. (2024高二上·黑龙江期末)  阅读理解

    In the thick jungle of New Guinea is nature's most amazing theater, a Carola's parotia (天堂鸟) is showing off his red and yellow feathers in a display called a "butterfly dance."

    This brilliantly colored birds of paradise have developed over millions of years from ancient birds whose feathers were dark and boring in comparison. It seems to be a contradiction (矛盾) that such extreme feathers and colors could have been favored by the process of evolution. After all, these same brightly colored feathers that attract mates also make the birds much more noticeable to predators (捕食者). The answer lies in the safe environment in which the birds live, and a process of evolution known as sexual selection. Except for other pressures, birds of paradise begin to specialize in attracting mates. Over millions of years they have slowly undergone changes in their colors, feathers and other talents. Characteristics that made one bird more attractive than another were passed on and impove over time. 

    In the past, demand for the bird's feathers resulted in a huge amount of hunting. At the peak of the trade in the early 1900s, 80,000 skins a year were exported from New Guinea to Europe ladies' hats. Nowadays, few birds die for fashion or for traditional costumes: Ceremonial feathers are passed down from generation to generation. Although local people are still permitted to hunt the birds for traditional uses, they usually target older male birds, leaving younger males to continue breeding.

    David Mitchell, a conservationist, is relying on the help of local villagers to record where the birds display and what they eat. He hopes to not only gather data, but also encourage protection of the birds' habitat. The strategy seems to be working. For millions of years, these impressive birds have danced to find their mates. They will keep dancing for as long as the forest offers them stage.

    1. (1) Why do the birds of paradise evlove the bright cholors?
      A . To frighten away predators. B . To execise and clean bodies. C . To show the possession of an area. D . To attract a mate's attention.
    2. (2) What caused so many birds of paradise die in the early 1900s?
      A . Industrial development destroyed their habitat. B . A high demand for feathers to use in hats. C . They were eaten by the predators. D . They got sick after inteactions with human.
    3. (3) Why do local people continue to hunt birds of paradise?
      A . To eat them. B . To protect smaller birds. C . To make traditional costumes. D . To keep their numbers down.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Feathers of Love B . Trouble in Paradise C . An Amazing performance D . The Protection of Birds of Paradise
