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  • 1.  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It was two weeks before the holidays, and I decided to have the family picture taken by a 1 photographer. I called the local photographer and made the 2 . The photographer told me since there wasn't much time before the holidays, he would come first thing Sunday morning and told me to have the whole family in 3 shirts. It sounded perfect.

    Now, not only did I have my usual five million things to do — carpooling, buying last-minute presents, grocery shopping, cooking and 4  my family was happy — but I also had to find 5  whites tops for my entire family.

    I was not sure where the rest of the hours 6 , but when I went to tuck in my younger son on Saturday night, I 7 his hair was a complete mess. OMG! He needed a 8 . With all my running around, I hadn't noticed how 9 he needed one. It was 8:00 at night, and the barber's was closed. The 10 was coming the next morning.

    I got out the 11  . My younger son is very easygoing and cooperative. I wet his hair, 12  it and started cutting. When I was done, we looked at each other and both knew that the haircut was a 13  !

    When he saw my son, my shocked husband told me to go downstairs and have a cup of tea while he 14  the situation. Ten minutes later, my son with his older brother and their dad, all came downstairs with buzz cuts(寸头)! My beautiful family picture was 15  on time — just with a little less hair!

    A .  messy B .  professional C .  international D .  romantic
    A .  appointment B .  excuse C .  complaint D .  apology
    A .  red B .  purple C .  yellow D .  white
    A .  taking out B .  getting through C .  wiping out D .  making sure
    A .  suiting B .  fitting C .  matching D .  applying
    A .  dragged B .  flowed C .  went D .  wasted
    A .  suspected B .  noticed C .  detected D .  accused
    A .  haircut B .  wash C .  style D .  checkup
    A .  badly B .  gradually C .  extremely D .  anxiously
    A .  barber B .  Santa C .  photographer D .  neighbor
    A .  apron B .  scissors C .  mirror D .  skills
    A .  observed B .  studied C .  designed D .  combed
    A .  fun B .  disaster C .  entertainment D .  joke
    A .  handled B .  dealt C .  cleaned D .  adjusted
    A .  painted B .  created C .  shot D .  shown
