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    When Allie and Chloe Knuth decided to both attend the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, the twins from Green Bay were excited to share a campus but also determined to have their own distinct experiences and follow their own academic paths. 

    Four years later—as they graduate together this month—the twins say things worked out even better than they could have expected. UW-Eau Claire's campus is small enough that their lives sometimes overlap(重叠), yet big enough that each of them has had room to stretch and grow as individuals. 

    "It means a lot to graduate alongside each other and I wouldn't want it any other way," says Chloe, who will earn her degree in international business and management with certificates in Mandarin Chinese and leadership studies. "Graduating college is a momentous experience and I love that I will be walking with my sister."

    Allie, who will graduate with a degree in biology and a certificate in Chinese language, originally planned to go to UW-Madison. However, as college neared, Allie decided to go to UW-Eau Claire as well, a decision Chloe supported. "I didn't want to be without my twin sister," Allie says of her decision. "It means a great deal to be graduating with my sister because she has always been there for me."

    They shared some experiences and accomplishments during their college careers. For example, they both completed certificates in Chinese. As Asian Americans, it was important for them to learn more about Chinese language and culture. 

    Allie and Chloe also are active in the University Honors Program, a program where they were able to explore interesting topics that fell outside their academic program. "This program is not just something to put on my resume; it had a vast positive influence on my college experience," says Allie. Chloe and Allie contributed a great deal to the Honors program, Dr. Heather Fielding says. They invested time and effort into helping other students, especially new students, to adapt to college and develop a sense of belonging, she says.

    1. (1) What did Allie and Chloe Knuth expect in the university? 
      A . Both earned genuine admiration of their colleagues. B . Both were enormously trained physically and mentally. C . Both enhanced their academy and experience individually. D . Both received support and encouragement from the university.
    2. (2) Which of the following can best describe Allie and Chloe Knuth? 
      A . Cautious and unconcerned. B . Optimistic and courageous. C . Considerate and enthusiastic. D . Demanding and generous.
    3. (3) What can we learn from the last paragraph? 
      A . The twins benefited a lot from the program. B . The twins focused on the academic program. C . The twins won their new jobs through the program. D . The twins regretted getting involved in the program.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about? 
      A . The twins developed a sense of belongings through the program. B . The twins earned certificates in some majors in the same university. C . University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire offered scholarship for the twins. D . Graduating twins valued common experiences to follow their own paths.
