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  • 1. (2023九上·石家庄期中) 阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    I used to hate being asked to do something in class because I didn't like attention drawn(吸引)to myself. I always chose to sit at the 1 of the classroom.

    All this changed after I joined a sports team. My teacher suggested I 2 for the basketball team. At first, I thought it was a 3 idea because I didn't have a good sense of balance(平衡), nor did I have the 4 to play basketball well. But the teacher kept advising me to go for it, so I decided to have a try. When I first took part in the practice course, I didn't even know some basic 5 of the game. Sometimes I was so nervous that I even got the ball in our own team's basket. That made me feel 6stupid. Luckily, I wasn't the only one "new" at the game. Then I 7to put my heart into learning the game and do my best during the practice. I practiced and practiced. Soon I knew the rules and the "moves". Being part of a team was 8. As time goes by, I learned how to play and made friends. I never had so much 9 ! And I started to feel better about myself.

    Now I have more self-confidence(自信)in myself. Even if I am not sure about the answer, I raise my hand 10"hiding" in the back of the classroom. So, let's change from now on. It will really make us much better.

    A . top B . back C . middle D . front
    A . work out B . hand out C . take out D . try out
    A . bright B . common C . terrible D . fair
    A . secret B . knowledge C . ability D . product E . customers
    A . rulers B . rules C . styles D . luckily
    A . wisely B . hardly C . really D . decided
    A . agreed B . continued C . hated D . tiring
    A . exciting B . boring C . worrying D . trouble
    A . fun B . supporl C . wealth D . instead of
    A . along with B . except for C . because of D . instead of
