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  • 1. (2023高三上·重庆市期中) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Before I started high school my parents gave me the greatest gift any teenage boy could ask for: a cell phone. I1 that phone all summer. To me, being connected was more important than being present. So, you can imagine my 2 when I learned what my dad had 3 for my family vacation that year. "This year," my dad said, "We are going camping!" His excitement was met with a disappointing sigh(叹气). 4 , he wasn't upset.

    The views during the trip were amazing, but none of those mattered to me. My mind was on my phone. I remembered the first time I looked up was for something shocking—my phone had no service. My dad said that it would be 5  until we returned home. I would be 6  in the forest for four days with no way to contact the outside world. I went to bed angry that night. But something 7  when I awoke in the morning. 8  immediately burying my head in my phone, I 9  something else: my surroundings. As my dad and I walked the trails(小路),I felt the weight of tons of stress off my shoulders.

    I realized being 10 to nature made me focus more on myself. I let my mind speak to me and listened to my feelings. I had been so focused on staying connected that I hadn't been hearing my own 11 . That was 15 years ago, and I carry that 12 to this day. When I received my first work email. I 13 the reason why my dad chose a campsite with no access to technology. In a world that asks for more connectivity, the need to check up your cell phone becomes stronger. Having my own time is nearly 14 when I can be 15 at any time of day or night. So, I need to work harder.

    Whenever I feel my inner self is slipping away, I follow my dad's guidance. I pack up the tent and drive until my phone shows those two magic words: "no service".

    A . wished for B . applied for C . lived on D . learned from
    A . iImpression B . displeasure C . impoliteness D . embarrassment
    A . revised B . rented C . mistaken D . planned
    A . however B . Besides C . Therefore D . Otherwise
    A . mobile B . private C . missing D . useless
    A . trapped B . punished C . trained D . attended
    A . appeared B . ended C . changed D . formed
    A . because of B . Apart from C . Along with D . Instead of
    A . cleaned up B . focused on C . contributed to D . showed off
    A . close B . blind C . similar D . new
    A . contacts B . parents C . thoughts D . sighs
    A . dream B . lesson C . stressor D . trial
    A . understood B . wondered C . recorded D . preferred
    A . painful B . impossible C . unreasonable D . obvious
    A . appreciated B . convinced C . recognized D . connected
