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  • 1. (2023高三上·宜城期中)  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Have you ever wondered about the significance of emotions in our life? Emotions play a critical part in our lives.  Let me give you an example here: When you are with your loved ones, your mood changes instantly right? If they feel happy then you feel happy, and if they feel angry/sad then so do you. Starting to get what I was talking about in the beginning? Should you be feeling like that? In certain situations, yes, but every time, no!

    You may find it very hard to believe but it is not our responsibility to bear other people's feelings, this is something that they have to do themselves. Apart from this, we must never be controlled by our own feelings. Let me give you an example here. In the middle of a fight between your spouse or partner, they will say, "You really hurt my feelings". Sometimes, you might even say: "You are making me angry". What does this imply? Whenever this happens, you start blaming yourself, especially for the emotions that others are feeling. This is known as emotional reflection. You must learn to control this.

    What should be your course of action here? It might seem rude when I say this but you really need to hear it. You are not responsible for how others feel!  Al l in all, we must learn to be emotionally accountable and mature, doing so will result in a better and happier life.

    A. Therfore embrace your emotions as a part of yourself.

    B. They are infectious unless you know how to control them.

    C. So, it's a must for us to learn to control our feelings.

    D. You have conveyed your feelings in a very understandable manner.

    E. This goes sideways, others are also not accountable for how you feel.

    F. It means that you have allowed the other person to emotionally control you.

    G. Otherwise, it will create co-dependency in relationships which is very harmful.
