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  • 1. (2023·长乐模拟) 阅读理解

    You've been playing in a pool for almost an hour. When you get out of the pool, you will notice there are some wrinkles (皱纹) on your fingers. This is nothing new. But do you want to know the reason?

    In fact, your skin is covered with its own special oil. It is the surface of your skin. It can protect your skin and keep the water out. When you stay in the water for a long time, the oil will be washed off. The water can then get into your skin. This makes your skin doubled in some places but not in others. Then wrinkles appear as a result.

    Anyway, there is no need to worry about the wrinkles. Once the water in the fingers has completely gone, they will go away soon and the skin will return to normal. They may even help protect you better. The wrinkles can give you a better grip in water or on wet ground so that you can't fall easily. Then you can hold things and move more easily under water. Imagine a world without wrinkly fingers. How terrible it is!

    Although it isn't harmful to us, we still need to protect our hands carefully. What can we do to avoid getting wrinkly fingers? The first is to cut down the amount of time when your hands or feet are in the water. The second is to have less contact (接触) with soap and other similar things. These things may break the outer surface of your skin. The last is to use plenty of hand cream. All of these methods will play a role in keeping your hands smooth.

    1. (1) What is the purpose of Paragraph 2?
      A . To tell how to avoid the wrinkles. B . To explain why the wrinkles appear. C . To list the advantages of the wrinkles. D . To show the disadvantages of the wrinkles.
    2. (2) What does the writer think of the wrinkles on fingers?
      A . They can make people ugly. B . They are helpful to protect us. C . They are harmful to people's health. D . They will never disappear once there.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "grip" probably mean in Chinese?
      A . 防滑性 B . 稳定性 C . 包容性 D . 抗压性
    4. (4) How can we avoid getting wrinkly fingers?

      a. By using fingers less.

      b. By having less contact with soap.

      c. By reducing the time in the water.

      d. By using plenty of hand cream.

      A . abc B . acb C . bcd D . abd
    5. (5) What is the structure of the passage? (P=Paragraph)
      A . B . C . D .
