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  • 1. (2023高一下·长沙月考)  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    As Valentine's Day is coming, many of us start thinking of creative and thoughtful ways to express our love to our family and friends.Here are several ways to show love to strangers.

    Practice compassion (同情). As humans, we often forget about the feelings of others. The people counting out all their coins to pay at the grocery store (杂货店), may be using every last penny they have to feed their family.Maybe you can offer help by paying for groceries or helping them put their groceries in the car. An ounce of compassion goes a long way to show others that you care.

    Hold the door for others, offer to help a neighbor lift a heavy box, or pick up something someone has dropped and return it. Say "Thank you", offer to help someone standing on the side of the highway with a broken-down car, or ask people you meet how their day is going.

    Make someone smile. A sweet smile is the best way to show your kindness and start a conversation. Go out of your way to make someone smile daily. Give praise to people you come across, pay for a stranger's meal or even tell a small joke to make a person laugh.

    Offer encouragement.They may need some words of encouragement. Reach out to these people. Talk to them and give them the motivation (动力) they need to keep moving forward with their lives.

    A.Give meaningful gifts.

    B.Be polite to others through kindness.

    C.Pick up rubbish on the street or at the park.

    D.In situations like this, put yourself in other people's shoes.

    E.We all meet people in public who may be down on their luck.

    F.All of these may be just what they need to get through a difficult day.

    G.But the holiday also gives us an opportunity to show love to others we don't know.
