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  • 1. (2023九上·肇源月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Should Students Wear Uniforms?Some schools have a rule saying that students must wear uniforms to class. Now, uniforms have become more common in public schools. Many schools say uniforms catch students' attention in class. But some students think uniforms are uncomfortable. Should students wear uniforms?

    Our magazine asked readers to weigh. They have different ideas and here, two of them share their ideas on it. 

    • YES! 

    Yuna Chong, 9,California 

    Uniforms are as much about safety as they are about a sense of group. Teachers don't have to worry about losing sight of students at the playground or on a field trip. Also, when kids wear uniforms, they feel like they are part of the same group. I wear a uniform and feel like my school is one big team. I feel included.

    Also, when everyone wears the same, you don't have to worry about how you look. Parents can save money as well!And in the morning, I can save time because I don't have to think too much about my clothing.

    • No! 

    Sterling Heights, 12,Michigan 

    I don't think kids should have to wear uniforms. If students are wearing the same thing, they can't show themselves. Kids should feel like they can be their own person. They shouldn't have to match. During school hours, we should also be comfortable.

    If we feel uncomfortable in our uniforms, we can't learn very well. For many, it can't be more uncomfortable to be in a uniform all day. Next, parents have to go shopping and spend a lot of money on the uniforms that we never wear at home.

    What is your idea about it?Do you wear uniforms when you go to school every day?Write to our students' magazine and voice your idea!

    1. (1) How do kids feel like when they wear school uniforms in Yuna's opinion? 
      A . They have a sense of group. B . They are out of teachers' sight. C . Their school isn't a big team. D . They are part of different groups.
    2. (2) Sterling thinks students don't like school uniforms because ____ .
      A . they don't learn at all B . they try to match with others C . they don't want to waste time D . they don't wear uniforms at home
    3. (3) Who is the passage written for? 
      A . The teachers. B . The students. C . The parents. D . The visitors.
