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  • 1. (2023·海淀模拟)  阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    It's easy to see the fun in buying a huge ice cream or going shopping with friends, but saving money can be even more exciting. That's because saving creates opportunities and opens the door to all kinds of adventures.

    The key to successful saving is setting a goal. Get a pen and paper, and write down how much it costs, then work out how much you can afford to save each week and how long it will take you to reach your goal. It's important to be realistic because you'll soon get bored if you plan to save every single penny. Some weeks you might decide to save a little more than planned so that you can reach your goals even faster.

    To avoid accidentally spending your savings, it's a good idea to keep them separate from the rest of your money. You could do this by using a money box or a savings account (账户).

    When you save your money in a savings account, you have the opportunity to earn interest. This is money that a bank pays you for leaving the money there— and the longer you leave money in a savings account, the more interest you will earn. Some savings accounts allow you to take out money whenever you like, but some will keep your money locked away for a certain time. Some parents set up a savings account because they want to put some money away for their kids' future.

    Once you get the hang of saving, you can set some more bigger goals. Perhaps you want to start saving for university, or you'd like to travel the world when you finish school. Remember, you can save for more than one thing at a time, as some of your goals might take months—or even years— to achieve.

    If you're new to saving, start off by thinking of some fun goals, like taking a vacation or going to a concert. Every penny you save brings you one step closer to reaching your goal—and what could be more exciting than that?

    1. (1) What is the key to successful saving?
    2. (2) How could you avoid accidentally spending your savings?
    3. (3) Why do some parents set up a savings account for kids?
    4. (4) If you get pocket money from your parents every week, will you consider setting up a savings account or spending it on things you like? Why?(Give at least two reasons)
