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  • 1. (2023·哈尔滨)  根据短文内容, 将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处, 使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)

    Everyone needs friends. Do you know how to make true friends? 

    First, you have to decide who can become your friends. You can make friends with those who have the same interests as you. When friendship begins, you'd better plan activities that you'll both enjoy.

    Second, start a good conversation. You can ask your new friends questions like these, "" "What's your hobby?" "What do you do after school?" Then you will have a good relationship with your friends.

    When your classmates are in trouble, offer as much help as possible. For example, you can lend a pen to your new deskmate. You can also care for a classmate who doesn't feel well.

    Fourth, the best way to make true friends is being honest. You won't feel comfortable when you lie to your friends. That's because you don't want to hurt your friends' feelings. But in most situations, you are expected to be honest with your friends.


    A. Make sure the activities can be done together. 

    B. However, sometimes you have to tell white lies. 

    C. Let me give you some advice. 

    D. Third, being helpful is important, too. 

    E. Who's your favorite singer?
