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  • 1. (2024·成都零诊)  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中两项为多余选项。

    How can you use curiosity to enjoy your studies more and improve your results? Below are some hints of how you can awaken your curiosity. 

    Listen to yourself when you ask questions

    and your mind starts to question, don't ignore it. If you can't explore the answer right then, make a note to find out later. Questioning, exploring and investigating are good! It shows that you have an active and interested mind. Reward yourself by finding out the answer. The more you know about what you are studying, the better you will understand it.

    Ask quality questions

    Ask good questions such as "why" "what if" and "how". The better the questions you ask, the more interesting answers you will find. .

    Play around with new things and ideas

    Learn to play with and think about your ideas, your feelings and new materials and objects. "What can you do with these ideas, feelings and things? Maybe they could be used in an essay, article, poem or science experiment, or could be a gift or favour for someone else.

    . Just because adults teach you, it does not mean that they know everything or the best way to do things. Young people are the future. Don't be scared to put your ideas forward!

    Work with new people in class

    Don't always join the same friends for group projects in class. . Where possible, choose to work with students who enjoy asking questions and finding out new things, or students who have a lively, curious mind.

    , and how it might relate to classwork

    Have you heard something interesting in the news—a social problem or new technology that interests you? Find out more about it. Then remember if you have studied anything about that subject. 

    A. Something magical happens

    B. Different people work differently

    C. Keep an ear open for current events

    D. If you can apply curiosity to your study

    E. When you are reading or studying something

    F. Always be prepared to think about things in new ways

    G. All of this will contribute to your classroom learning
