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  • 1. (2023·茂名模拟) 阅读理解

    Will skipping breakfast make me fat?

    The good news for those who don't have breakfast is that putting on weight isn't inevitable—as long as you control those high-calorie desires and stay active.

    Research shows that although avoiding breakfast will make you hungrier and you might make up for that with a bigger lunch, this won't necessarily make you "fatter"—on average, those who skip breakfast don't eat more across the whole day than if they didn't skip it. Some researchers have found that you may even eat fewer calories overall, and end up using your body's fat reserves for energy, which can actually help you lose weight.

    However, weight isn't the only consideration: studies show that breakfast-skippers are likely to exercise less. This may be because they have lower energy level—after eight hours or so without food, the body will have used up most of its stores of easy-to-access energy during sleep. Morning fasters are also more likely to have unhealthy, but appetite-suppressing habits, such as smoking or drinking a lot of coffee.

    If you want to ensure that you eat a regular, nutritious breakfast, try preparing it the night before don't leave it until the morning, when your brain struggles to make good decisions.

    If you do skip breakfast…

    ■Don't make up for it with a huge lunch, otherwise you'll suffer overeating.

    ■Make sure you eat something before you exercise, or you risk "hitting the wall".

    ■Don't make up for lack of energy with coffee—it can make you lose your appetite and make you anxious and nervous.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "inevitable" mean in Paragraph 2?
      A . Unbelievable. B . Unavoidable. C . Uncomfortable. D . Unbearable.
    2. (2) Why do some breakfast-skippers lose weight?
      A . They do more exercise. B . They stay active all day. C . They reserve their body fat. D . They take in fewer calories.
    3. (3) What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
      A . Aims of the studies. B . Ways of losing weight. C . Effects of skipping breakfast. D . Suggestions for breakfast-skippers.
    4. (4) What is the author's attitude towards skipping breakfast?
      A . Objective. B . Positive. C . Negative. D . Doubtful.
