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  • 1. (2023高二下·沈阳期中)  阅读理解

    In a dark room, it may seem there will be little to detect in the darkness. However, a bird in the room will be able to pick up on the magnetic field(磁场)of the earth and will know which direction to fly if it is time to migrate(迁徙). A snake will detect the presence of humans in the room by sensing their radiation. Each of these creatures could all be sharing exactly the same physical space and have a totally different experience of that space. 

    Each animal has access to its own sensory environment — called an "umwelt". "Umwelt" was popularized by a German biologist named Jakob von Uexküll. The word comes from the German for "environment", but Jakob von Uexküll wasn't using it to mean the physical environment. He meant the sensory environment, the unique set of smells, sights, sounds and textures that each animal has access to.

    Humans can't sense the faint electric fields that sharks and ducks can, or the magnetic fields that robins and sea turtles detect. Our ears can't hear the call of rodents and hummingbirds, and our eyes can't see the light that birds and bees can sense. Our noses can't detect various odors(气味)that dogs would be able to smell.

    So imagining the world as animals perceive it opens up a new appreciation for the everyday wonders of nature. If we think of nature as something remote and distant, accessible only to someone who can go to a national park, we lose the motivation to save and protect it. 

    Instead, we can go on an adventure just by thinking about the sensory world of the bird that sits on the house opposite us. Then nature would feel like something close. In that case, people will be more motivated to try and protect it. Protecting nature isn't just about saving whales or pandas, but about protecting things that are close to us.

    1. (1) What does the author intend to show by using the example of a dark room?
      A . Automatic adjustments to the darkness. B . Important functions of sense organs. C . Natural strengths of animals and humans. D . Diverse perceptions of the same environment.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "umwelt" in paragraph 2 mean?
      A . The natural world. B . The biological science. C . The surroundings that animals detect. D . The environment that animals live in.
    3. (3) What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
      A . Limitations of human senses. B . Wonders of living creatures. C . The lack of animal knowledge. D . The comparison of organs.
    4. (4) What does the author suggest doing?
      A . Presenting the national parks. B . Caring about the creatures around us. C . Rescuing endangered species. D . Appreciating what we possess.
