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  • 1. (2022八下·宁海期末) 阅读理解

    Islands are always changing shapes. Sometimes you can see the changes happening. A volcano can erupt (喷发)and shoot out red hot lava (岩浆). When the lava reaches the ocean, it cools and forms new land. The island grows.

    But most changes are hard to see. Storms and wind blow dirt and sand from one side of the island and pile them up on another side. Oceans wash away earth and rocks from one beach and cany them to another. The island changes shapes slowly, a little bit at a time.

    People on some small ocean islands are worried. They think their islands are changing shapes too fast. On some islands, the whole beaches have been washed away. Places that used to be dry have been wetter and wetter.

    Why are so many islands becoming smaller and smaller? Scientists say people cause pollution. They burn gas and coal for cars and factories, they cut down rain forests, and more. The pollution stores heat and makes Earth hotter. Warmer temperatures melt the ice at the North and South Poles. The melting ice flows into the ocean and raises sea levels. As a result, island disappears.

    But there is hope. Scientists are looking for ways to stop sea levels rising and they are also looking for clean ways to run cars and factories. People are helping too, by recycling, planting trees, driving less, and wasting less. Together, we can stop the world's islands from disappearing.

    1. (1) What is true about the islands from the first two paragraphs?
      A . The ocean cools and the new islands form. B . You can always see the changes happening. C . Storms and wind wash away earth and rocks. D . They sometimes need a long time to change shapes.
    2. (2) Which is the right order for islands becoming smaller and smaller?


      A . ④①③② B . ④②①③ C . ④③①② D . ④①②③
    3. (3) What is the writer's attitude(态度)about the future?
      A . He feels angry. B . He feels excited. C . He feels hopeful. D . He feels worried.
    4. (4) What can be the title of the passage?
      A . Smaller Islands. B . Moving Islands. C . Polluted Islands. D . Disappearing Islands.
