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  • 1. (2023·濮阳模拟) 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    I started running half marathons(马拉松)in the 1960s. I'm 78 now, I've been doing them for nearly fifty years and I still get the same excitement at the beginning of each race as I always have. I don't do as many as I did. I used to run around 30 every year and in my thirties I got quite good at them. I think my personal best was around 1 hour 17 minutes, which was only ten minutes over the world record back then. These days I do about ten a year and my time is quite a bit slower. At my age you need a lot more preparation and your body doesn't recover as quickly, but it's well worth all the extra work.

    There are two main reasons why I still run half marathons. Firstly, it means I'm keeping myself fit. My doctor told me that I'm healthier than most 50-year-olds. But I think the real reason why I love the sport so much is that I can meet other people. I've made many good friends over the years, but the most amazing thing is all the people who line up along the sides of the streets to cheer you on. I get more and more support as I get older.

    I also spend quite a lot of time visiting schools to get children interested in doing sport. I think it's really important to start at an early age. It makes it so much easier to keep doing it the older you get. The kids are always really enthusiastic and they ask me lots of questions. Many of them can't believe that I'm the same age as their grandfathers. Sometimes I challenge them to a five-kilometre race. There aren't many of them that can beat me!

    1. (1) How does the writer compare his running these days with when he first started?
      A . He's slower and his body suffers more, but he still enjoys it as much. B . He finds it more difficult to train. C . He's only about ten minutes slower. D . He isn't enjoying it as much.
    2. (2) What does he enjoy most about the half marathon races?
      A . trying to go quicker each time her aces B . being cheered on by people C . meeting up with old friends D . beating younger people
    3. (3) Why does the writer visit schools?
      A . To race the children. B . To pick up his grandchildren. C . To encourage children to do sport. D . To show that old people can still do things.
    4. (4) What does the underline word " enthusiastic" mean?
      A . 怀疑的 B . 烦躁的 C . 热情的 D . 易怒的
    5. (5) What is the writer's reason for writing the text?
      A . To encourage young people to take up a sport. B . To show how you're never too old to start a new sport. C . To talk about how his running has changed over the years. D . To explain his love of the sport.
