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  • 1. (2023·佛山模拟) 阅读理解

    Abandoned outside an orphanage(孤儿院)as a baby and adopted at the age of three by a family in the Netherlands, 16-year-old model Abbing has become known around the world, as a model who has appeared in fashion magazines-but also as an inspiring representative of the albino(白化病人) community.

    When it comes to modelling, Abbing has found her difference more of a blessing: she is represented by the Zebedee Talent agency, which aims to make people who have disabilities more visible in the world of fashion.

    "I want to help people to see that being different is good, and definitely not some curse(诅咒), as they believe in countries like Tanzania and Malawi, "said Abbing. "Some companies try to include models who are different, but sometimes for the wrong reason, because they want to say:'Hey, look at us! We are also including people with differences or people of different color'. "

    But Abbing welcomes what she sees as a shift. People now want to learn about and accept differences. "They should alsotalk with people with differences directly, ask them questions and listen to what they have to say, "she urged.

    When not in front of the camera, Abbing loves climbing and swimming, and used to love competitive sports. It's important for her to focus on what is possible, rather than what isn't. " At school, teachers tend to look at the things you cannot do. I really didn't like that, although they meant well. I would rather they had focused on the things I can do instead. "

    Abbing loves the world of travel and meeting new people, which her modelling has opened up, and particularly working with artists and on artistic projects. The teen also pours her creativity into decoration artwork. "Because I see the world from a different angle, my artwork turns out a little different as well, "she said.

    1. (1) What is one reason for Abbing's being chosen by Zebedee?
      A . Her physical disability. B . Her youthful appearance. C . Her success in the fashion world. D . Her fame in the albino community.
    2. (2) What does Abbing think of some companies hiring disabled models?
      A . A social conflict. B . A positive change. C . An act of showing off. D . A product advertisement.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes Abbing?
      A . Creative and honest. B . Optimistic and patient. C . Courageous and outgoing. D . Athletic and humorous.
    4. (4) What message does Abbing's story convey?
      A . Everyone is born equal. B . Judge not by appearances. C . Love makes the world go around. D . You are beautiful the way you are.
