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  • 1. (2022·深圳) 阅读下面短文,并从方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文,使原文的意思连贯、完整。

    A. Get properly warmed up first

    B. Warm-ups do good to your heart ·

    C. Make sure the coach holds your interest

    D. Jumping rope is the easiest one to get into shape'

    E. These include foot, leg, knee and even back injuries

    F. This slower ending is better for you than a sudden stop

    Whether you're stuck inside from terrible weather, or shyness, there are ways to exercise indoors every day. Here's how you can work out effectively at home.

    A good warm-up makes sure your body gets much-needed oxygen. When your body is warm, you'll move better. Warm-ups also help reduce stress on your heart and the possibilities of getting hurt. So it's necessary to warm up before you start to work out.

    Start with a HIIT exercise

    There are many kinds of HIIT exercises. . It can help burn fat effectively. It also

    works out both the upper and lower body and especially develops your core( 核 心 )strength. In some ways, it's friendlier to the knees than running and speed walking.

    Follow exercise videos that suit you

    If you do a quick internet search, you will be amazed at the number of exercise videos

    Young or old, male or female, you can find several that will work best for you. Some world-famous coaches even teach live lessons everyday.

    Don't forget to cool down

    Just like warming up ahead of time reduces injury(受伤), so does cooling down. Regular cool-downs after exercise are important because it's best to slowly reduce your heart rate (心率).
