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  • 1. (2020八下·夏邑期末) 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。

        Karly is a high school student in America. Many schools require (要求) uniforms. It is not an exception for her school. These days, Karly was unhappy she had to wear skirt uniforms in winter. The school didn't change its rules uniforms. Karly said, when I have lessons in class, it is cold in winter.

        Karly's mother, Rose, is a professor (教授) at a university. She made a call to school. In her opinion, the rules weren't fair. "The women teachers can wear pants but students , "'she said. "Pants are more practical form of dress. They are warmer in winter and cheaper to wear a skirt. "

        Karly's mother prepared to fight a legal battle (官司) against the school, but the school thought that the legal costs were too expensive. At , they changed the rules.

        Now Karly and other girls at the school can wear pants. Karly says that she is very happy.
