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  • 1. (2021九上·龙凤期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    One day, a young violin player was trying to decide whether or not to continue his life in music. While he was walking, he suddenly 1 the most famous violin teacher in the world. He stopped the man and asked if he could play for him. He said to himself that he would drop his dream of music if the great 2 told him he was wasting his time.

    The great teacher let him 3 . When the young man finished, he was sure he'd given his 4 performance. He stood and waited for praise (赞扬). 5 , the great teacher only shook his head and said, "You lack the fire."

    The young musician was so sad that he decided to give up the violin and never play it again.

    Later, he became a successful6.

    Some years later, he met the great teacher again in another city. He 7 to him and said, "Sir, I stopped you on the street years ago to play the violin for you, and I just want to thank you today. To be 8, because of your coldness, I gave up my great love, and became a trader. How did you know all those years ago that I lacked the fire? Again the great teacher shook his head and said,"You didn't 9 what I said. I tell anyone who plays for me that they lack the 10 . If you had the passion (热情), you wouldn't have given up your dream."

    A . came on B . came about C . came across D . came out
    A . teacher B . doctor C . engineer D . driver
    A . leave B . perform C . attend D . avoid
    A . commonest B . worst C . simplest D . finest
    A . Too B . Still C . Luckily D . However
    A . writer B . artist C . trader D . musician
    A . pointed B . rushed C . stuck D . drove
    A . honest B . true C . exact D . important
    A . translate B . understand C . explain D . hear
    A . confidence B . money C . fire D . skill
