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  • 1. (2020九下·青田竞赛) 阅读下列短文,从短文后所给的A~G七个选项中选出能填入空白处的五个最佳选项。注意:选项中有两项多余选项。

    Some of us eat more than we should on Thanksgiving Day.  However, many of us will continue to overeat throughout the holiday season. Nobody likes to feel terrible, and few of us are trying to gain weight, so why do we continue to eat more than we need?

    Most of us think we are controlling the amount of food we eat, but a research shows that our environment has much influence on the amount of food we eat.

    In one study, people attending a movie received free popcorn that was not fresh. Many of the popcorn eaters found that the popcorn was not fresh, but the people receiving large bags still ate 34% more than those receiving smaller bags. When they received fresh popcorn, the people with large bags ate 42%more than the people receiving small bags.

    In another study, the larger the plate, the more we pile(堆砌) on. Participants received a plate and were allowed to serve themselves. Researchers then sneezed(打喷嚏)on the plate and told participants to fix another plate.Participants put 25% more food on the larger plate. This shows that the size of the plate influences the amount of food we choose to take.

    Many kinds of food is served during the holidays and that makes us eat more. To prevent overeating and weight gain, please use a small plate at meals. When you have eaten the food on that plate, don't take more unless you are actually still hungry.

        A: The second plate was larger than the first.
        B: Some of us feel terrible because we eat too much.
        C: It's not surprising that we eat more food during the holidays.
        D: Researchers used two kinds of bags with two different colors.
        E: According to a research, most of us are eating a lot more than we think.
        F: If you eat less, you'll feel certainly better at the end of the holidays.
        G: Some people received small bags of popcorn while others received large bags.
