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  • 1. (2019九上·海曙期末) 你会折纸天鹅吗?

    1. (1) 以下是折纸天鹅的步骤图,请仔细阅读短文,然后将A-D的图片与四个步骤相匹。

      Can you fold paper in different ways to create different shapes, such as animals or flowers? Follow the directions below to learn how to make a beautiful swan. All you need is one square piece of paper.

      Fold the swan in half. Take the swan by its neck and pull the paper up. Keep pulling until it looks right to you.

      Carefully fold the lower edges (边缘) toward the center of the paper as shown. Make sure the   edges meet in the middle.

      To make the swan's neck, fold the bottom point up. Fold down the head. You can change what the swan looks like by changing the length of the neck or of the head.

      Turn the paper over. (The gray (灰色) shade means the back of the paper.) Fold the paper again. Make sure the edges meet in the middle.

      A.     B. C. D.

    2. (2) In which part of a newspaper can you see this passage?
      A . Life Tips B . Paper Art C . Healthy Life D . Animal World
