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  • 1. (2021·黄冈) 阅读材料,根据材料内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Sally didn't know what was wrong with her grandma. She was always forgetting things, like where she put the sugar and what time to have dinner.

    "She might have Alzheimer's disease(阿尔兹海默症)," her mother said. "We might have to put her in a nursing home(养老院)so that she can get proper care.

    "Oh, that's terrible! She'll miss her own house!" Sally said.

    "Maybe, but we can see her on weekends," her mother answered. "We can bring her presents."

    "Like ice cream? Grandma loves strawberry ice cream!" Sally said.

    The first time they visited Grandma, Sally wanted to cry. Grandma sat all by herself in the corner of the room.

    Sally hugged Grandma."Look," she said, "we brought you strawberry ice cream!"

    Grandma took it and began to eat without saying a word.

    "She doesn't seem to know us." Sally was upset. "You have to give her time." her mother said. But the next time it was the same. Grandma ate the ice cream, but didn't say anything.

    "Grandma, do you know who I am?" Sally asked.

    "You're the girl who brings me the ice cream." Grandma said.

    "Yes, but I'm Sally, your granddaughter. Don't you remember me?"

    "Sure. You're the girl who brings me ice cream." All of a sudden, Sally realized that Grandma would never remember her.

    "Oh, how I love you, Grandma!" she said. Just then she saw a tear roll down Grandma's cheek(脸颊), "Love," she said. "I remember love."

    "You see  dear, that's all she wants," her mother said. "Love."

    "I'll bring her ice cream every weekend then, and hug her even if she doesn't remember me." Sally said.

    After all, remembering love is more important than just being able to remember a name.

    1. (1) What was the matter with Sally's grandma?
      A . She always felt upset. B . She ate too much ice cream. C . She always forgot things. D . She put more sugar while cooking.
    2. (2) Why did Sally want to cry the first time the family visited Grandma?
      A . Because Grandma didn't like her present. B . Because she thought Grandma was quite lonely. C . Because she saw a tear roll down Grandma's cheek. D . Because Grandma was badly treated in the nursing house.
    3. (3) In Grandma's eyes, Sally is ________.
      A . a kind-hearted girl B . a cold stranger C . an honest granddaughter D . a strict nurse
    4. (4) According to the passage, we can infer(推断)that ________.
      A . Grandma will be taken home to get better care B . Grandma doesn't love strawberry ice cream any more C . Sally and her family visited Grandma three times a week D . Sally doesn't mind whether Grandma can remember her name or not
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . The Great Power of Hugs B . Food Is the Best Medicine C . Love Can Always Remain in the Heart D . An Introduction to Alzheimer's Disease
