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  • 1. (2021高一下·浙江月考) 阅读理解

    Islands in the world are famous for different things. But Hawaii is special for its variety of features. Beautiful sandy beaches, active volcanoes (火山), a great canyon (溪谷) and special history and culture add up to create its famously romantic atmosphere.

    Formed by volcanoes at the bottom of the sea, the Hawaii islands are like a necklace in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 6, 000 kilometers off the west coast of Mexico. There are eight main islands in the group, including Hawaii (or Big Island), Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau.

    The youngest and biggest island, also called Hawaii was formed 430, 000 years ago and is still growing. Kauai, the oldest was formed 5.1 million years ago. For tourists, the sight of the lava (溶岩) that still flows from some of the volcanoes down to the sea, is a major attraction.

    Hawaii is the newest and smallest state in the US. In 1900, the islands joined the US. In modem history, it will always be remembered for the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese air force in 1941.

    About 1, 000 years ago, the islands were settled by Polynesians (波利尼西亚人), Captain James Cook led the first group of Westerners there in 1778.

    Native Hawaiians have a special culture and language. Although nowadays English is the official language of Hawaii, folk music and dancing are still widely practiced. The traditional dance of the islands is the hula, a Hawaiian word that means dance.

    Hawaii's reputation for romance was spread when Hollywood started to use its typical music in movies in the 1960's.

    Today, Hawaii is famous for its mix of cultures. Chinese, Japanese and Filipinos all live there. Chinese arrived in the islands as early as the late 18th century. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the famous Chinese revolutionary, grew up there.

    Everyone in Hawaii is a member of an ethnic minority (少数民族) and generally they exist in a pleasant harmony (和谐)of races and cultures.

    1. (1) Which of the following about Hawaii is NOT true?
      A . There are eight main islands in the group Hawaii islands. B . Hawaii islands are like a necklace in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. C . Hawaii islands are formed by volcanoes on earth. D . Hawaii is the smallest and youngest state in the US.
    2. (2) What can we infer from the passage ?
      A . The Hawaii islands are all formed 5.1 million years ago B . Hawaii islands were settled by Japanese in 1941 C . Hawaii is an area with one nation D . Hawaii is a famous tourist destination
    3. (3) What is best title of the passage?
      A . Features of Hawaii islands. B . History and culture of Hawaii. C . Hawaii—a perfect destination. D . My experience in Hawaii.
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  • 1. (2021高一下·芜湖期中) 阅读理解

    Love to write? Want to see your work published and win some cash along the way? Then read on. The national Spark a Story writing contest is calling in all young storytellers!

    Who can participate?

    The contest is open to students in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12, or those who are being home-schooled in the United States.

    Deadline and requirements

    You're able to send your short story up to October 7th. It will be judged on creativity, originality and overall quality of writing. Your story must be original works and should be no longer than 5000 words. There is no minimum length requirements.

    How can I send my short story?

    There are three easy ways to send your short story:

    *Online at // learn.hmhco.com/hmhsparkamind

    *Send your short story as a PDF or Microsoft word document to Sparkahmhco.com

    *Send your short story via US Mail to: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

    222 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 02116

    What will I win?

    The best stories will be published next year. Winners will receive a free copy of the book and cash price of $100.

    1. (1) Which of the following children can take part in the contest?
      A . Maria, grade 7, from New York. B . Justin, grade 9, from London. C . Catherine, grade 11, from Washington. D .  C. D. Bastian, home-schooled from Paris.
    2. (2) Your story will NOT be acceptable if it is ________.
      A . longer than 5,000 words. B . shorter than 5,000 words. C . an original work. D . sent before October 7th.
    3. (3) Which of the following ways is NOT a correct way to send your story?
      A . Sending it online. B . Sending it by email. C . Sending it by US Mail. D . Sending it by fax.
  • 2. (2022高一下·深州期末) 阅读理解

    Plastic is man-made and can be produced from natural materials like coal and oil. Plastic is really useful and we use it every day. But what happens after we throw it away is causing a big problem for our planet. It's thought that more than five trillion pieces of plastic are in the world's oceans and it can take years for them to break down.

    Why is plastic a problem?

    The problem with plastic is that most of it isn't biodegradable (可生物降解的). It doesn't rot, like paper or food, so instead it can exist for hundreds of years. Each year, 400 million tons of plastic is produced and 40% of that is single-use plastic, such as carrier bags, drinks bottles and crisp packets. More than 8 million tons of plastic enters the world's oceans each year. It can be blown into the sea from ships and beaches, or carried there by river. Some also gets flushed(冲走)down the toilet.

    Another issue is that not all plastic can be recycled. This might be because of the way it is made up or because it is too expensive or difficult to do. Some coffee cups, for example, have a waterproof plastic lining which can make them difficult to recycle. Every day seven million cardboard coffee cups are thrown away but only one in 400 are recycled.

    How does plastic harm animals?

    Experts think that by 2050, the amount of plastic in the ocean will weigh more than the number of fish in the ocean. All animals, whether they live on land or in the sea, can be impaired by plastic. They can get trapped in bigger items such as carrier bags or food packaging.

    Birds, fish and shellfish can mistake plastic for food when it has broken down into smaller pieces. One in three sea turtles, and around 90% of seabirds, have eaten it. They can't digest (消化) plastic so their stomachs can become full, meaning they don't have room for actual food. Each year, 100, 000 animals in the sea are killed by plastic.

    1. (1) What is the function of the first paragraph?
      A . To attract readers. B . To lead in the main topic.

      D. To summarize the passage.

      C . To define the main concept.
    2. (2) How did the author support his idea in second and third paragraphs?
      A . By using data. B . By describing the processes. C . By explaining definitions. D . By making comparisons.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "impaired" mean in the fourth paragraph?
      A . Helped. B . Hurt. C . Scared. D . Ignored.
    4. (4) What might be discussed in the next paragraph?
      A . Ways to solve the plastic problem. B . The importance of animal protection. C . Reasons for upgrading plastic material. D . Environmental damage caused by plastic.
  • 3. (2021高一下·定远月考) 阅读理解

    I often wonder how people can get so angry, so deep in their own belief that they become deaf to anything that may differ from their beliefs. I've often been told that I'm too open-minded, listening to others' viewpoints so openly that they become my own. Maybe that comes from my practice of actively listening to others. It means that I do really hear them instead of responding only out of politeness. Maybe it's because I was brought up by parents who didn't necessarily speak to me about respecting others but modeled it for me through their own actions. They treated everyone equally, from what I remember, never looking down upon others because they were different from us. 

    As I raise my daughters, I try my best to show them love and understanding in all situations. When they misbehave, talk back, or break the rules, I'll lovingly analyze the reasons behind their behavior. I'll be tolerant(宽容的)towards their differing opinions and become open and curious about their ideas. And I'll be mindful of how I treat and speak to others, showing equal respect to everyone. 

    My expectation is that if I show my daughters unconditional love and acceptance, they'll learn to show the same love to others. I hope that they will not see difference as a threat, but as a way to add richness to their very existence. It's beautiful to live in a world filled with so many differences. 

    So, as I write this, welcoming my second daughter to my family, I'm fully aware that change begins with how I act and what decisions I make. Every generation carries its own set of problems. All we have control over is how we respond to those problems. This is what I will teach my girls: how to control their own emotional world; how to hold onto love as well as their beliefs and values; how to remember that hate and anger are never the answer and that tolerance and love will always take them further in life. 

    1. (1) The author seems different from other people in terms of____. 
      A . her deep understanding of belief B . her reaction to different opinions C . her negative views on social politeness D . her confusing attitude towards her parents
    2. (2) What does the author intend to do as for raising her kids?
      A . Encourage them to have different opinions. B . Teach them some useful conversation skills. C . Punish them heavily for their bad behaviors. D . Set them an example of love and acceptance.
    3. (3) What do Paragraph 3 imply?
      A . Love me, love my dog. B . Nothing seek, nothing find. C . Don't put the cart before the horse. D . Music with different tones sounds beautiful.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for this text?
      A . The art of social communication B . The importance of love and tolerance C . The ways to effectively listen to others D . The positive attitude towards hate and anger
