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  • 1. (2021高一下·曲阜月考) 完形填空

    Every year, many dolphins worldwide are captured (捕获) and kept in small pools, performing for people, especially children. These dolphins are fed fish instead of having to1them. As a result, they start spending most of their time near the pool rather than underwater. They get out of shape and can no longer2long distances. It affects their3greatly, and has proved to have4consequences.

    Thus comes the question, "Should captive dolphins be5?"

    Jeff Foster, a 55-year old expert, decided to help two captive dolphins, Tom and Misha, to reach their top physical6. Every day, he used to train the two dolphins to get used to their wild homes again. Twenty months later, Tom and Misha began to act like7dolphins and they were set free back into the sea.

    8Tom and Misha lived in captivity for 4-5 years, they were able to adapt to the wild. It was9what Foster had hoped for. His dreams for the dolphins had finally come true and he knew that the dolphins would10in the wild.

    This program was a big success, but there have been others that failed. For example, another dolphin, Keiko, returned into the ocean in 2002, but11a year later because of all the misery (不幸) he12. The sudden environment change did not13him well.

    If people want to avoid these accidents, we must go to great lengths and put in the14to ensure it doesn't happen ever again. In fact, with virtual reality technology picking up, there can still be great ways to15kids with sea animals without having to capture dolphins.

    A . pick up B . hunt for C . look after D . throw away
    A . see B . dive C . jump D . hear
    A . appetite B . shelter C . lifestyle D . popularity
    A . terrible B . potential C . unexpected D . indirect
    A . disturbed B . released C . protected D . prohibited
    A . exercise B . pain C . appearance D . condition
    A . wild B . clever C . helpless D . harmless
    A . If B . Unless C . Although D . Because
    A . hardly B . exactly C . possibly D . awfully
    A . train B . search C . survive D . produce
    A . died B . escaped C . returned D . recovered
    A . led to B . brought up C . got over D . went through
    A . suit B . serve C . defend D . prepare
    A . tank B . time C . water D . effort
    A . inspire B . treat C . entertain D . change
