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  • 1. (2020九下·淮滨月考) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

    I am a book lover. So my house is forever full of 1. I have new ones, old ones, hard covers, paperbacks, 2and non-stories. I have three boxes of books in my closet, two boxes of books on the floor of my bedroom, and a box of children's books 3 for my future grandchildren. I have even more books 4the two I wrote on my desk. I try to keep the books 5 building up by donating as many as I can to the local 6, but as soon as I donate a few, I find myself buying a few more.

        Books I read keep my mind young, and my heart 7, and soul bright. They bring me knowledge, laughter, and joy. They connect me with the wisdom of the past and the new ideas of the 8. They keep me moving on the right path as a journey through life.

        I have learned that people are a lot like books as well. Some have bright and shiny covers 9  don't have very much to say inside of them. Others look old and plain but so full of 10and light that reading them can 11your whole life. One difference between books and people, though, is that while a book has an ending, the writing inside of us 12forever.

    Take care when writing the book of your own life. Fill it with love for yourself, others and this world. Fill it with all the wisdom you have learned, goodness you have done, 13you have shared, and joy you have 14. Keep writing it every day, too. Make it everything you are and everything you want to be, and then15it to everyone. I know it will be a wonderful and fantastic book.

    A . parents B . books C . lights D . tapes
    A . music B . paintings C . stories D . radios
    A . waiting B . caring C . looking D . working
    A . holding B . leaving C . including D . breaking
    A . to B . from C . in D . under
    A . hospital B . museum C . company D . library
    A . warm B . lost C . funny D . usual
    A . problem B . people C . present D . progress
    A . and B . but C . so D . however
    A . wisdom B . energy C . wealth D . friends
    A . waste B . record C . change D . produce
    A . puts out B . goes on C . tells by D . gives up
    A . loneliness B . business C . darkness D . kindness
    A . spread B . bought C . affected D . cost
    A . sell B . write C . send D . open
