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  • 1. (2016九上·桐乡期中) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式

    Dear Kitty,

        I am sorry that I did not write to you earlier because I have been very busy, I was helping with a charity show to raise money Project Green Hope. A lot of work needed to be finished, so I (not have) much free time. 

        I felt very happy when I (choose) to be the host. It was exciting, but I was also very nervous. I knew that lots of people would watch the show and that many famous pop (star)would come, too. We started working on the show half a year ago so that we could do everything on time. My job was (introduce) each star and I also had many other duties, we practised a lot before the show, I had to remember to look after the right camera at the right time. At first, I thought I would never be (ability) to remember all the words. Slowly, everything became easier.

        The big day came very quickly, and I was so excited, twenty minutes the big event, we opened the doors and many people came into the theatre to watch the show. The fans of the pop stars were making noise, so I had to speak loudly. Everything seemed to happen so fast. A lot of money has been given to Project Green Hope, I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity and I think more people should (invite) to take part in them.

        See you soon.

        Best !

