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  • 1. (2020·遂宁模拟) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项.

        Work days are long enough without having to deal with afternoon laziness. Many times when 2 or 3 pm rolls around, We are yawning and considering taking a short nap to help wake us up.There are several tricks that you can do to improve your energy level.

        Put on some music. Sometimes all you need is a little motivation to help you feel a little more energized. Put on some of your favorite upbeat music.

        If you are able, listen to your music a little loudly. This can help drive away your midday fog. If you are not able, try listening to the music throughout headphones, so you don't bother your co-workers.

        Grab an afternoon snack. A small afternoon snack can provide your body with a little nutrition and energy. Just make sure you pick the right type of snack to keep your energy up.  It contains caffeine and can improve focus. Avoid high-sugar snacks like candies. These cause your blood sugar to rise and then cause additional laziness.

        Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee.  Caffeine is a stimulant that can help you feel more awake and focused. Use very minimal sugar, a natural Calorie-free sugar or none at all.

         Wash the day's stress from your mind by splashing cold water onto your face and neck. Some studies have shown that the cold water can help you wake up and feel more focused. When you are starting to feel a little sleepy, take a walk to the bathroom and make use of cold water.

    A. A faster beat can help you feel a little more energetic.

    B. Splash your face with cold water.

    C. You can stretch yourself and make some deep breath to refresh yourself.

    D. Enjoy some-high sugar snacks.

    E. Try a piece of dark chocolate.

    F. But most offices don't allow midday napping.

    G. Small amounts of caffeine can help you beat afternoon laziness as well.
